Earliest You Can Feel Baby Move 4th Pregnancy

Having a infant: Stages of pregnancy by trimester

Stages of pregnancy: A woman in the early stages of pregnancy looks at printed ultrasound images.
The stages of pregnancy are described in 3 trimesters, with a fourth trimester after nascence. (Image credit: Getty Images/SDI Productions)

For a significant person, feeling a new life developing within your body is an astonishing experience, fifty-fifty though you lot may not always feel your best during all the stages of pregnancy. One of the biggest changes for most pregnant people is weight gain — a significant person carrying 1 baby should gain betwixt 11 and 40 lbs. (5 to 18 kilograms) past the stop of the pregnancy, depending on pre-pregnancy weight, according to the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention.

Simply in that location are many other changes too, and exactly how pregnancy affects the body can be very different from person to person, and even for the aforementioned mother from i pregnancy to the next. Some symptoms of pregnancy last for several weeks or months, while other discomforts are temporary or don't touch on everyone the same way.

"Pregnancy is a long, ten-month journey," said Dr. Draion Burch, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Magee Womens Infirmary at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

A normal pregnancy usually lasts virtually twoscore weeks, counting from the start solar day of the last menstrual menstruation, which is effectually ii weeks before conception actually occurs. Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters, each lasting between 12 and 13 weeks. During each trimester, changes accept place in a pregnant person'south body equally well as in the developing fetus.

Some medical experts suggest that mothers and doctors should also recognize a "fourth trimester," which is the 12-week period after birth in which babies are adjusting to life outside the womb and women are coping with motherhood and on-going changes in their bodies, according to a paper published in July 2017 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Conception & implantation

Nearly two weeks after a period, ovulation occurs, during which the ovaries release typically one egg, but sometimes 2 or more eggs. The egg or eggs tin be fertilized by a sperm jail cell 12 to 24 hours later on release, as the egg travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus.

The sex of the fetus is determined at the time of fertilization, or conception, and depends on whether the egg receives an X or Y chromosome from a sperm cell. If the egg receives an Ten chromosome, the infant will be a girl; a Y chromosome ways the baby will be a male child.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, it takes about iii to four days for the fertilized egg (or embryo) to motion to the lining of the uterus, where it attaches or implants to the uterine wall. One time the embryo is implanted, the cells start to grow, eventually becoming the fetus and the placenta, which is tissue that attaches to the lining of the uterus. The placenta transports oxygen, nutrients and hormones from the mother's blood to the developing fetus via the umbilical cord throughout pregnancy.

First trimester, weeks one-12

Get-go trimester changes in the mother:

Pregnant people will experience a lot of symptoms during the outset trimester equally the body adjusts to the hormonal changes of pregnancy. In the early weeks, the pregnancy may not exist showing much on the outside of her body, but inside many changes are taking place.

Related: Am I pregnant? 12 early signs of pregnancy

Ane of the first changes is the production of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone, which shows upward in the blood right after conception occurs. Levels of hCG tin can exist detected in a pregnant person's urine nigh a week after a missed menses. Human chorionic gonadotropin is what's detected in a positive home pregnancy examination.

Ascension levels of hCG and other hormones, such as estrogen, may be responsible for the waves of nausea and vomiting known as morning sickness that'southward most common during the first few months of pregnancy. Despite its proper name, forenoon sickness can occur whatever time of day.

A significant person may also experience more tired than usual during the commencement trimester, a symptom that'southward linked with ascent levels of the hormone progesterone, which increases sleepiness.

Early on in pregnancy, breasts may feel more tender and swollen, some other side issue of rising levels of pregnancy hormones. The areolas, the skin around each nipple, will darken and enlarge.

A significant person'south digestive system may slow down to increase the absorption of beneficial nutrients. Just reduced mobility of the digestive system might too trigger such common complaints every bit heartburn, constipation, bloating and gas, according to the Role on Women's Health (OWH).

Many parts of the body will work harder during pregnancy, including the eye. Eye rate will increment to pump more than blood to the uterus, which will supply it to the fetus.

Too the concrete changes, expecting mothers may also experience emotional highs and lows in the early months of her pregnancy and throughout it. These emotions may range from weepiness, mood swings and forgetfulness, to fear, anxiety and excitement.

Related: Mood swings & mommy brain: The emotional challenges of pregnancy

Get-go trimester embryo development:

A developing baby is called an embryo from the moment conception takes place until the eighth week of pregnancy.

During the first month of pregnancy the middle and lungs brainstorm to develop, and the arms, legs, brain, spinal string and nerves begin to course, co-ordinate to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

The embryo will exist about the size of a pea around i calendar month into a pregnancy, Burch said. Around the second month of pregnancy, the embryo has grown to the size of a kidney edible bean. In addition, the ankles, wrists, fingers and eyelids grade, bones announced, and the genitals and inner ear brainstorm to develop.

After the eighth week of pregnancy and until birth occurs, a developing baby is called a fetus.

By the end of the second calendar month, most of the fetus' principal organs will have formed, Burch said. At this stage of pregnancy, he stressed, information technology'south extremely important that pregnant women do not accept harmful medications, such equally illegal drugs. The starting time trimester is besides the period when nigh miscarriages and birth defects occur. Between 10% and 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriages, mostly because the fetus is non developing normally, according to the Mayo Clinic. Studies have found the risk of miscarriage drops significantly afterwards the 12th week of pregnancy.

As early as the 10th calendar week of pregnancy, a pregnant person may opt to accept a noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT). This testing uses a blood sample from the mother to clarify DNA from the fetus to help decide the risk of the baby being born with certain genetic abnormalities, co-ordinate to MedlinePlus. The mother can too find out the sex of the baby at this time, also through providing a claret sample that analyzes fetal Dna. None of these tests come up in contact with or cause any harm to the fetus.

During the third month of pregnancy, the fetus' basic and muscles brainstorm to grow, buds for futurity teeth appear, and fingers and toes grow. The intestines begin to course and the skin is almost transparent.

Second trimester, weeks 13-27

Second trimester changes in the mother:

By the second trimester, some of the unpleasant furnishings of early pregnancy may lessen or disappear as the body adjusts to its changing hormone levels. Sleeping may become easier and energy levels may increase.

Nausea and vomiting usually get better and go away, Burch told Alive Science. But other symptoms may crop upward as the fetus continues its growth and evolution.

Pregnant people will start to feel more pelvic pressure, Burch said, calculation that the pelvis feels heavy similar something is weighing it down.

A more visible baby bump appears as the uterus grows beyond the pelvis, and the skin over the expanding abdomen may itch as it stretches, co-ordinate to the OWH.

As the fetus is getting bigger and the female parent is gaining more pregnancy weight in the front of her body, she may besides experience more back pain, Burch said. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Personalized Medicine found that while virtually significant people experienced back pain, it was worse in those who were not physically active.

Onetime between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, a kickoff-time female parent may feel the kickoff fluttering movements of the fetus, known as quickening, Burch said. It it isn't the first pregnancy, the mother is likely to feel the fetus kicking, squirming or turning even sooner because she knows what to await, he said.

The 20th week usually marks the halfway bespeak of pregnancy. From nigh 20 weeks, it is possible to develop preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high-blood pressure, co-ordinate to the Mayo Dispensary. If left untreated, the condition tin can lead to serious, even fatal, complications for mother and baby. Other symptoms include rapid weight gain and swelling.

Burch encourages his patients to take a "babe-moon" — a mini-vacation or weekend getaway — during the second trimester, and he said the best time to get away is around the 28th week of pregnancy. Expecting mothers are generally feeling pretty good at this point, and there's a lower take chances of miscarriage and premature labor. A study published in 2020 in the journal PLOS I, found that for hundreds of thousands of babies, their mother's plane travel had no agin effects on the infant'south birth weight or gestational age. However, some health professionals and airlines may discourage airplane travel after the 36th calendar week because at that time nascency could be just around the corner.

Second trimester fetal development:

In the second trimester, the fetus will be betwixt 3 and 5 inches (seven and 12 centimeters) long, Burch said. Sometime between 18 and 22 weeks, an ultrasound may reveal the sex activity of the baby, if parents desire to know this information in advance.

Related: Am I having a boy or girl? Ultrasound and sex prediction

By the quaternary calendar month of pregnancy the fetus' eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails and the neck form, and the skin has a wrinkled advent. In add-on, during the fourth month the arms and legs can bend, the kidneys first working and tin can produce urine, and the fetus tin eat and hear, according to the ACOG.

In the 5th month of pregnancy, the fetus is more agile and the mother may be able to feel its movements. The fetus likewise sleeps and wakes on regular cycles. A fine hair (called lanugo) and a waxy coating (called vernix) cover and protect the sparse fetal skin.

By the sixth month of pregnancy, pilus begins to grow, the eyes begin to open and the brain is speedily developing. Although the lungs are completely formed, they don't yet part.

Third trimester, weeks 28-40

3rd trimester changes in the female parent:

During the third trimester, as the mother'southward enlarged uterus pushes confronting her diaphragm, a major muscle involved in breathing. Because of this, she may experience short of breath because the lungs have less room to expand, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. A meaning person'due south ankles, hands, feet and face may swell due to fluid memory and slower claret circulation.

A female parent-to-exist volition need to urinate more frequently because of the pressure on her bladder. She may also take more backaches and more hurting in the hips and pelvis, every bit these joints expand in preparation for delivery. Changes in body shape can besides make a meaning person more unstable on their feet and more likely to fall, according to a 2006 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Her face may develop dark patches of skin, and stretch marks may appear on her belly, thighs, breasts and backside. She may also observe varicose veins on her legs.

In the third trimester, the breasts may start to leak colostrum, a yellowish liquid, equally they get set for breastfeeding, according to the OWH. The babe will commencement to drop lower in the mother's belly.

False labor, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, may begin to occur as the due date gets closer. A "nesting instinct," behavior exhibited in many mammals, may kick in equally expecting parents work on baby-proofing their home, store for infant items, prepare the nursery and await their new arrival.

Related: Signs of labor: vi clues babe is coming soon

During the final weeks of pregnancy, it volition go harder to find a comfortable sleeping position, adding to the increased levels of fatigue, Burch said.

Third trimester fetal development:

Past the seventh calendar month of pregnancy, the fetus kicks and stretches, and tin even respond to light and sound, Burch said. Its eyes can also open and shut.

During the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy, the fetus gains weight very quickly. Bones harden, but the skull remains soft and flexible so the caput tin fit through the birth canal. Different regions of the encephalon are forming, and the fetus is able to hiccup, according to ACOG.

The 9th month is the dwelling stretch of pregnancy, and the fetus is getting fix for birth past turning into a head-downwardly position in the mother's pelvis. The lungs are now fully mature and prepare to function on their own.

The definition of a total-term pregnancy is when a baby is born after 39 to 40 weeks (it used to be 37 weeks), Burch said. This is because babies born at full-term had lower risks of problems with breathing, feeding and regulating their temperature than those born earlier, according to the National Institutes of Health.

4th trimester, post-nascency

The catamenia called the "fourth trimester" begins as soon as birth is over. While this can exist a joyful and exciting time for most new parents, it can also be extremely challenging and stressful.

In the weeks and months after the babe is built-in, the mother'due south torso continues to go through major changes equally information technology heals and recovers from pregnancy and nascence. At the same time, the mother must grapple with the concrete and emotional challenges of feeding and caring for a newborn, Dr. Ilona T. Goldfarb, a maternal health specialist, wrote for the Harvard Health Web log. "Women and their families experience substantial physiological, social and emotional changes," during this time, Goldfarb wrote.

Despite the standing changes and challenges that occur subsequently childbirth, almost mothers visit their obstetrician only once in the weeks later on birth. Many health experts concord that this lack of attending to maternal health in the fourth trimester is concerning, particularly because that more than than half of pregnancy-related deaths occur afterwards the nascency of the child, co-ordinate to a 2018 report from the ACOG.

Fortunately, several of these experts are putting pressure on the healthcare community to provide more comprehensive postpartum intendance. Goldfarb recommends pregnant people come up with a postpartum plan to assistance anticipate difficulties and how to deal with them every bit they popular upwards. She also recommends mothers speak with their obstetrician to larn more about the kind of postpartum resources they accept.

Additional resources

  • Mayo Clinic: Pregnancy Calendar week by Week
  • Function on Women'due south Health: Stages of Pregnancy
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Postpartum Depression FAQs

This article is for informational purposes merely, and is non meant to offer medical advice. This commodity was updated on June 14, 2021 by Live Scientific discipline correspondent Sarah Wild.


Source: https://www.livescience.com/44899-stages-of-pregnancy.html

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